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Letter template: ask your landlord to do repairs

If repairs are needed in your home, report them in writing as soon as possible.

Copy and paste this sample text and personalise it with your details. Delete any parts that do not apply to you.

Subject: Repairs needed at <your address>

To <your landlord’s name>

I'm writing to let you know that repairs are needed at <your address>.

<Describe the repair problems in your home>

I'm concerned because <example: it's causing damage to my home / affecting my or my family’s health / making my home unsafe>.

I think it would be reasonable for the repairs to be done within <number of days>.

Please contact me to confirm how long you expect repairs to take and who will do the repair work.

Thank you,

<your name>
<your phone number>

You can also send the letter as an email attachment or through the post:

Where to send your letter or email

If you rent from a private landlord, their contact details should be in your tenancy agreement or on the Scottish landlord register.

If you rent from the council or a housing association, check their website or your tenancy agreement for their contact details.

If you need more help

Check our advice about:

Last updated: 27 July 2023

Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.

This content applies to Scotland only.

Get advice if you're in England