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Your rights if you're disabled and rent your home

Your landlord must make certain adjustments to help you live in your home. They must also provide certain extra services or equipment for the property if you ask for it.

It’s illegal for your landlord to discriminate against you because you’re disabled.

Your landlord’s responsibilities

You should be able to live safely and comfortably in your home.

If you need them, your landlord must make some adaptations and provide certain aids and equipment. This applies whether you rent from a private landlord, letting agent, the council or a housing association.

Aids and equipment that help you live in your home are sometimes called auxiliary aids.

Your landlord does not have to provide auxiliary aids if you live with them or if you live in a boarding house.

Examples of auxiliary aids

  • a ramp, if you use a wheelchair

  • accessible door handles

  • accessible taps for the kitchen and bathroom

  • a tenancy agreement in Braille, large print or easy read

  • signs in Braille or large print, such as a fire safety notice

  • a doorbell or entry phone system you can use more easily

  • any furnishings you need to use the house, such as a raised seat for your toilet

  • painting doors and window frames a darker colour so you can see them more easily

  • equipment to help you access any other facilities, such as a ramp to get into the garden or a wider space in the car park

To get help choosing auxiliary aids, contact Disability Information Scotland.

What your landlord does not have to provide

  • mobility aids, like a walking stick or wheelchair

  • fixed adaptations or installations, like an accessible shower or bath

They may not have to provide auxiliary aids when:

  • it's expensive and there are cheaper alternatives

  • they do not have the power to make the change alone and other owners object to it, for example changes to the stairwell or other communal areas

If you and your landlord disagree on what they should provide, contact the Equality Advisory Support Service. A disability rights specialist could help you negotiate with your landlord on what kind of assistance they must provide.

Getting adaptations done

If you need adaptations or improvements that your landlord is not responsible for, check our advice on getting home adaptations done.

Get your landlord’s permission before doing any work. Get any agreement in writing.

If you're being evicted

You do not have to move out if you've been sent an eviction notice. You can ask a court or tribunal to stop or delay the eviction.

You could have extra protection if:

  • you're being evicted for a reason related to your disability

  • your disability means eviction would have a serious impact on you

The court or tribunal must consider if it's reasonable to evict you. They should take into account if your disability:

  • makes it difficult for you to find another suitable home – for example, because you have access needs

  • means you need to stay in a specific area – for example, to go to medical appointments or get care from family members

  • affects your ability to pay rent – for example, if you've had to take time off work or you've had problems with your benefits

Check our advice on:

If you’re being discriminated against

Your landlord or letting agent cannot:

  • harass you in any way

  • refuse to rent to you because you’re disabled

  • give you a less secure tenancy because you're disabled

  • charge more rent or deposit than they charge tenants without your impairment

  • evict you because you’re ill or disabled

  • refuse to let you keep an assistance dog

  • refuse to let you use additional facilities which are available to tenants without your impairment

  • include terms in your tenancy agreement they would not include for someone without your impairment

  • make you wait longer on a council or housing association waiting list because you’re disabled

If you’ve experienced any of these, check our advice on dealing with housing discrimination.

Get advice on discrimination


Last updated: 8 November 2023

Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.

This content applies to Scotland only.

Get advice if you're in England