Contact our Supporter Helpdesk to make a complaint about fundraising:
call us on 0300 330 1234
email us at
What happens next
We will acknowledge your fundraising complaint within 3 working days of receiving it.
We'll carry out a full investigation if the complaint is made to us within 3 months of the incident.
We aim to respond fully within 10 working days via your preferred method of contact.
If you're not happy with the outcome of your complaint to us, you can take your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator. You must do this within 2 months of our reply to you.
Our fundraising complaints standards
Shelter Scotland is a member of the Fundraising Regulator's self-regulatory scheme and follows the Fundraising Regulator's Code of Practice.
We aim to:
make sure that our fundraising staff understand the Fundraising Regulator standards and our complaints procedure
resolve complaints as promptly and amicably as possible
maintain a record of all complaints and the correspondence related to them
acknowledge membership of the Fundraising Regulator standards in our Annual Report
complete and file an annual return with the Fundraising Regulator about the number and nature of complaints received, and the extent to which we were able to amicably resolve them
provide copies of our fundraising materials to the Fundraising Regulator if requested to do so
when asked by the Fundraising Regulator, promptly provide details about complaints we've received and how we dealt with them
cooperate fully with the Fundraising Regulator in the event that a complaint is referred to them and comply with any sanction they impose upon us
Other complaints
Find out about making a complaint about other aspects of Shelter Scotland.