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How to fundraise legally and responsibly

Public collections  

Make sure you follow the rules for public collections.

You need permission to collect money in a public place. You may need to get permission from more than one organisation, for example the local council, venue manager or property owner.   

Use the GOV.UK checker to find out about collection permits in your area.

People under the age of 16 are not allowed to collect money through public collections. They can be present but are not permitted to hold a bucket or can.  

Raffles and lotteries 

There are strict rules that you must follow when you hold a raffle or lottery. You must protect children and people who may be vulnerable to harms caused by gambling.

Find out more from the Gambling Commission about how to run a fundraiser with lotteries or raffles at events.  

You do not need a licence for raffles that start and finish on the same day, at the same event. However, you must charge the same price for each ticket and draw the name of the winner before the event is over. Cash prizes are not allowed. 

Please email for guidance if you plan to run a prize draw over multiple days or sell tickets at more than one venue.

Health and safety 

Complete a risk assessment before your event. This will help you minimise any risks to organisers and attendees.

First aid 

Get advice from St Andrew’s First Aid if you think you’ll need first aid at your event.

Food and drink  

If you plan to serve food and drink at your event, follow the Food Standards Scotland rules for safe preparation, storage, display, and cooking. 

Guidance on fundraising

For more guidance on fundraising, visit the Code of Fundraising Practice.

Get in touch

Get in touch if you have any questions about fundraising, we're here to help.

Please email