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The land court and lands tribunal

The land court can make decisions when you have a dispute about your agricultural tenancy or croft. The lands tribunal deals with some disputes over land and property.

Before going to court or tribunal

Get legal advice from a solicitor. They can help you decide whether going to court or tribunal is right for you, or if your problem could be fixed another way.

Find a solicitor on the Law Society of Scotland

You could get free or affordable legal advice.

Check our guidance if your dispute is about repairs or improvements in an agricultural tenancy.

If your landlord is trying to evict you, check your rights if you have:

Applying to the Scottish Land Court

The court can make decisions about:

  • your tenancy rights

  • your crofting rights

  • the terms or conditions of your tenancy

  • your rent

  • repairs and improvement disputes

  • evictions

Check the court's website for application forms, fees and contact details. Contact the court if you do not know which form to use.

If you disagree with the court's decision

You can appeal or ask for another hearing.

Make an appeal if you think the court made a mistake and the law was not followed. You must appeal within 28 days of getting your written decision.

Ask the court for another hearing within 3 months of the decision if:

  • you have new evidence to show them

  • you think incorrect or false evidence was given at the hearing

  • your circumstances have changed and the court’s decision is no longer relevant

A solicitor can help you appeal or get another hearing.

Applying to the Lands Tribunal for Scotland

The tribunal deals with some land and property disputes. The tribunal can:

  • change or remove legal obligations that you have when you own your home

  • decide compensation claims – for example, when a road has been built near your home and it's affecting the value

  • resolve disputes over your title deeds

Check the tribunal's website for application forms, fees and contact details. Contact the tribunal if you do not know which form to use.

If you disagree with the tribunal’s decision

You can appeal the decision by writing to the Court of Session.

Make an appeal if you think the court made a mistake and the law was not followed.

A solicitor can help you appeal.

Last updated: 31 March 2022

Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.

This content applies to Scotland only.

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