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Getting your benefits backdated

If you’ve had a delay in applying for benefits, you can sometimes get them backdated. This means you’ll get some extra money to cover the period before you applied.

Check if you could backdate your claim for Universal Credit, Housing Benefit or council tax reduction.

Backdating Universal Credit

You could get Universal Credit backdated for up to 1 month.

You'll need to give a specific reason why you could not apply earlier. For example, this could be because:

  • you have a disability

  • you’ve had health problems, including mental health, that stopped you from claiming earlier

  • the online application system was not working, and you claimed as soon as it was working again

  • you were getting a different benefit before, and you were not told it was going to stop

  • you were claiming with a partner before, and now you’re claiming as a single person

  • someone at the DWP gave you wrong information

How to apply

Find contact information for Universal Credit on GOV.UK. Say that you want to backdate your claim, and explain why you could not apply earlier.

They should tell you how to apply and what evidence you need to give.

Backdating Housing Benefit or council tax reduction

The rules depend on your age.

If you’re pension age

You can usually get Housing Benefit or council tax reduction backdated for up to 3 months if you applied late. You do not need to give a reason.

If you’re working age

You can get your benefits backdated if you have a good reason for not claiming earlier. This could include if:

  • you were in hospital or prison

  • you have a disability or health problems that stopped you from claiming earlier

  • someone at the council or the DWP gave you wrong information

  • you could not understand information about benefits because of your literacy or language skills

You can usually get:

  • Housing Benefit backdated for up to 1 month

  • council tax reduction backdated for up to 3 months

The council can sometimes agree to backdate your benefits for longer. They should look at all your circumstances to decide whether the delay in your application was reasonable.

How to apply

Find your council's details on GOV.UK and check how to apply for Housing Benefit or council tax reduction.

There may be a section on the application form about backdating your claim. If not, you'll usually need to write to the council to request backdated benefits.

The council might ask you to give proof of why you could not apply earlier. For example, this could be a letter from a doctor or social worker.

Get advice on backdating benefits

You could get other benefits backdated based on your circumstances. For example, if you're disabled or a carer. The rules are different for each benefit.

Contact Citizens Advice to check what you’re entitled to and get help with applying. They can also help you challenge a benefits decision if your claim is rejected.

Last updated: 15 February 2024

Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.

This content applies to Scotland only.

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