Copy and paste this sample text and personalise it with your client’s details.
text in chevrons < > is for you to edit as appropriate
text in square brackets [ ] is informational and can be deleted as you edit the letter
Subject: URGENT: <client’s first and last name> <client’s DOB> homeless application and temporary accommodation
To <name of homeless caseworker at the council>
<client’s first and last name> has contacted our organisation for assistance with their current homeless situation.
They are currently in temporary accommodation at <address of accommodation>.
The homeless household comprises: <say how many people are in the household and their relationship to your client>
This accommodation is unsuitable accommodation because it:
[delete those which do not apply]
- does not have adequate toilet and personal washing facilities for the exclusive use of the household
- does not have the use of a living room
- does not have the use of adequate cooking facilities
- is not useable 24 hours a day [i.e. there is a curfew, or the applicant has to be out of their room for part of the day]
<client’s first and last name> has been accommodated in unsuitable accommodation for more than 7 days. They have been in their current accommodation since <date>.
Please can you confirm by <insert deadline based on urgency of case> that suitable temporary accommodation will be provided, and the date by which <client’s first and last name> will be given access to this accommodation. If suitable accommodation is not available from that date, please provide:
- the reasons why suitable accommodation is not available
- information on what steps the local authority is taking to secure suitable accommodation
- an indication of the timescale for providing suitable accommodation
Please get back to either myself or <client’s first and last name>. If we do not hear from you, or there is no satisfactory information regarding what steps the local authority is taking and the timescales for suitable accommodation being provided, I will advise <client’s first and last name> to seek further advice on their rights which might include legal advice from a solicitor.
Thank you.
<your first and last name>
<your contact number>
<client’s first and last name>
<client’s contact number>
You can also send the letter as an email attachment:
Word template: Unsuitable B&B, hostel and hotel accommodation letter (docx, 25 kb)
OpenDocument template: Unsuitable B&B, hostel and hotel accommodation letter (odt, 10 kb)
Where to send your letter or email
Send your letter or email to your client's homeless caseworker at a council in Scotland.
Find contact information for any council’s homeless department