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This is a Housing SOS

Over 10,000 campaigners signed our open letter, telling the First Minister we are living in a housing emergency, and he needs to declare it.

We've had enough

Social housing has gone, leaving homes too expensive to pay for or too cramped for our needs. We’re competing for the same few properties or being moved miles away from home. Homes are being built but they aren’t affordable for everyone.

Tenants, owners, students, and citizens – we are in this housing emergency together.

We’ve had enough. Enough of living in ‘crappy’ housing. Enough of hearing horror stories from our family and friends. Enough of developers and landlords laughing all the way to the bank while we struggle to pay sky-high rents and spend years waiting for a social home.

Politicians want us to just accept this. But how can we accept 45 children becoming homeless every day?

We do not accept it. Fed-up renters. Sofa surfers. Taxpayers. Families without a home. All of us.

Sign the Official Record of RAGE against the housing emergency to show you won't stand by while anyone is homeless in Scotland.

Sign the Official Record of RAGE against the housing emergency

It doesn't have to be like this

It's time our government addresses the broken and biased housing system that traps us all, from families unable to find a home big enough, to fed-up renters settling for unfit conditions. 

It’s time to acknowledge that people at the sharp end of the emergency pay the highest price for the broken system, with minoritised ethnic groups and people with disabilities more likely to be homeless. 

The promises so far have not gone far enough. It’s time to demand our country declares a housing emergency. Time to tell our First Minister that his legacy depends on this. Just as the climate movement demanded and won a climate emergency declaration, we can win too. 

Home is not only a fundamental human need, it’s a basic human right. Together, we can show just how many of us refuse to stand by while those in power let this horror continue.

More on the housing emergency