Your guide to gifts in wills
Leave a gift in your will to Shelter Scotland – and help define a new era.
Now's the time for big change
Home is everything. We know it. You know it. And like you, we’re sick of the housing injustice in this country – that’s why we’re fighting for home.
1.5 million people across Scotland are living in overcrowded, unstable or unaffordable housing. And for many, life is made even more difficult by a housing system that is not fit for purpose.
We believe that having a safe home is a fundamental right. A crucial foundation for people to thrive. If you agree that the housing system in Scotland is broken, then now’s the time to do something about it.
Leave a gift in your will to Shelter Scotland
We know that to properly solve the housing emergency we need the kind of change that will define a new era. One where thousands of people can escape the hell of homelessness and unsafe housing forever.
Change won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. But together, we can do it.
That’s not small change, it’s big change.
Our vision for change
Campaign for more social homes
In the future, your gift could help fuel the campaign for a new generation of social homes – and a historic renewal of social housing in Scotland. That way, we can end the housing emergency in Scotland – for good.
Support those in need
Your gift could help us support people when they call or contact us via our website in need of housing advice.
Create a movement
Through your gift you’ll join a movement that defines a new era – one where everyone has a safe place to call home.
A gift in your will to Shelter Scotland could help thousands of people have a place to call home. Are you with us?
This is what change looks like
Now, I’m happy and secure, my son is overjoyed. I’m just really, really grateful. Sarah
When Sarah’s mum died just weeks after a cancer diagnosis, Sarah didn’t expect to lose her home as well.
Sarah and her family were forced to move out of the housing association home they’d shared with her mum. And for the next three years Sarah, her son Ishmael, and later baby CJ, lived in temporary accommodation.
'I tried to keep life as normal as possible,' says Sarah, 'keeping Ishmael at his old school, still going to work every day. But the impact on him soon became clear – he became nervous and his school work suffered.'
'If I didn’t get any help from you, I probably would have ended up in another temporary accommodation. Then how would I live for the future?'

For families like Sarah’s, home really is everything. But right now, 16,330 households are living in temporary accommodation in Scotland. That’s the highest number on record. We need change – big change.
With your gift, you could help families like this find a safe and stable home.
Shandor knows we need real change

I never thought I would be in that situation... Blink and your life changes forever. Shandor
Shandor became disabled after an accident at work. It wasn’t long before he could no longer afford the rent on his home – and became homeless.
He was placed in temporary homeless accommodation. But it wasn’t a home – and his son, Billy, was scared to stay there at the weekends.
For months, Shandor lived with the uncertainty of not knowing when he’d find a place of his own again – or somewhere Billy could feel safe.
With advice from us, Shandor was able to find a social home – a comfortable, secure place for him, Billy and their rescue dog, Peach.
But Shandor knows he’s not alone. And that to fix the housing emergency, we need change. Real change.
With a gift in your will, you could give us the strength to fight for more social homes so that more families like Shandor’s have a place to call home.
Be part of something huge
I’m sick of seeing the housing emergency get worse and worse.
I decided to leave a gift in my will to Shelter Scotland, because I want to give people real change.
Will you join me?

It's time to say ENOUGH
We need big change to solve Scotland’s housing emergency – and by leaving a gift to Shelter Scotland in your will, you can be part of it. No matter how big or small, leaving a gift in your will can help give families the support they need and give us the strength to define a new era. One in which everyone has a safe and secure place to call home.
If you would like to leave a gift in your will, there are a number of ways you can do it.
A share of your estate
You may wish to leave Shelter Scotland all or part of what is left of your estate after other gifts and debts have been paid.
This type of gift (known as a residuary bequest) has the advantage that it will not be eroded in value by inflation over the years.
A cash gift
You may wish to leave us a stated sum of money.
With this kind of gift (known as a pecuniary bequest), it is important to remember that the value of money changes over the years, and you may need to alter your will periodically to keep up with inflation.
A property
By leaving a property to Shelter Scotland you can give thousands of people a safe home. For example, a house which sells for £290,000 could help a staggering 10,000 people get advice by making a call to our helpline and avoid losing their homes
Will you give people change?

Personally, I felt really grateful that they were able to help us. Angel
With support from us, Angel’s family were moved to more suitable accommodation.
To remember Shelter Scotland in your will you will need to provide your solicitor or will writer with the full registered charity name, address and number:
Shelter Scotland
6 South Charlotte Street,
Edinburgh, EH2 4AW.
Charity number: SC002327 (Scotland)
Write your will for free
Keeping your will up-to-date is the best way to ensure that your wishes are followed. It will allow you to make sure that your loved ones and the good causes you care about are looked after long into the future.
Shelter Scotland has partnered with the National Free Wills Network to offer a free will-writing service to our supporters.
We’d really appreciate it if you decide to remember us with a gift in your will, but you’re under no obligation to do so when using this service.
The National Free Wills Network can put you in touch with solicitors in your local area who will help you make or amend a simple will at no cost.
This service is available to supporters in England, Wales and Scotland. All Network solicitors are members of their relevant Law Society.
Find out more about free will services.

Ways to write your will
For free
Shelter Scotland has partnered with the National Free Wills Network to offer a free will-writing service to our supporters.
The National Free Wills Network can put you in touch with solicitors in your local area who will help you make or amend a simple will at no cost.
We’d really appreciate it if you decide to remember us with a gift in your will when using this service, however you’re under no obligation to do so.
Face to face
The National Free Wills Network is a national network of local law firms offering will writing services to supporters of UK charities.
Contact us to request a Free Wills pack with details of National Free Wills Network participating solicitors
By telephone
Farewill offers a telephone will service. You can speak to a will specialist on the phone who will guide you through the process.
To find out more, call 0208 050 2686 and quote ‘Shelter Scotland’ or request a callback.
Useful information
Your contact at Shelter Scotland
For further information about our work and gifts in wills, please contact us on 0344 515 1617 or at
Finding a solicitor
Making or changing your will is simple if you have the right professional help. To find a solicitor, contact the Law Society of Scotland or telephone 0131 226 7411.
Before you see your solicitor, you may wish to complete this asset checklist and take it with you to your appointment.
Inheritance tax
Gifts in your will to registered charities are free of inheritance tax (IHT). So if the value of your estate is more than the tax threshold, a gift to charity could reduce the burden of IHT. Also, if you leave 10% or more of your estate to charity, this can reduce the rate of IHT from 40% to 36% on some assets.
Find out more information from about inheritance tax.
Keep your will safe and up to date
Sadly, wills get lost or mislaid over time. To ensure your wishes are carried out we recommend that you leave the original copy of your will with your solicitor.
You can register your will with the National Will Register, for a small fee.
Your gift could help change everything

If you decide to leave Shelter Scotland a gift in your will, we promise to fight for big change. We know it can be done. We’ve been fighting for people’s right to a safe home for more than half a century. We have the expertise to show the Scottish Government what needs to happen – and with your help, we’ll have the power to demand they do what it takes to end this disgrace once and for all.
You’ll help push the Scottish Government to build thousands of social homes, so more families can move into somewhere truly safe and secure. And you’ll help us be there for every single person who is facing housing injustice.
That’s big change. And it has to start now. Please, give people big change – with a gift in your will to Shelter Scotland.
Will writing resources
You can download these resources to help you with writing your will.
Our asset checklist will help you get a better idea of what your estate is worth.
Our codicil form can be used for amending your existing will.
Our will wording guidance for solicitors provides suggested wording for your client's will.
If you've decided to leave a gift in your will to Shelter Scotland, we’d love it if you told us. Knowing helps us to plan for the future, and it means we can say thank you properly.
Tell us your plansContact us
For further information about our work and gifts in wills, please contact us on 0344 515 1617 or at