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Making your home more energy efficient

Improving your home’s energy efficiency can save you money on bills. There are government schemes that could help you or your landlord pay for improvements.

Check what improvements you could make

There are 3 main things that affect your home’s energy efficiency:

  • how well-insulated your home is

  • the type of heating system you have

  • how efficient your appliances are and how you use them

To find out how efficient your home is and how it could be improved:

If you rent your home

Do not make changes to the property without your landlord's permission.

If your home is very inefficient, ask your landlord if they would consider improvements such as:

  • sealing up gaps in the floorboards or skirting boards

  • installing a thermostat or timer to use heating more efficiently

  • installing wall, floor or roof insulation

  • replacing the heating system with a more efficient one

You can also make smaller energy efficiency improvements yourself. For example:

  • fit draught excluders on your doors and windows

  • replace light bulbs with energy efficient ones

  • check the energy label when buying electrical appliances

Help to pay for improvements

There are government schemes to help pay for energy efficiency improvements:

These schemes can be used for things like:

  • insulation and draught-proofing

  • central heating and boiler replacements

  • installing renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels

Last updated: 21 January 2023

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