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Corporate fundraising ideas

Every penny you raise helps us fight for people in unsuitable and unsafe housing.

Could you be an ethical entrepreneur and fundraise for us? Your business or employer could offer services in return for donations, and help us fight the devastating impact the housing emergency has on people and communities.

Fundraising ideas

  • auction of promises

  • allotment sale

  • pyjama day

  • head shave

  • upcycling clothes sale

  • sponsored silence

  • car wash

  • babysitting

  • tuck shop

  • workshops

  • DIY favours

  • office quiz

Fundraising tips

Make the most of your corporate and business fundraising ideas. You can:

  • advertise locally and spread the word on social media using #FightForHome

  • sell items at car boot and jumble sales

  • sell on eBay, Etsy, Depop or Facebook Marketplace

  • add a thank you card to everything you sell with information about Shelter Scotland  

  • raise even more money by joining forces with friends and family with other skills

  • encourage your supporters to add Gift Aid to their donations

Planning a successful event

Check out our guide to planning a successful fundraising event.

How to plan your fundraising event