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Fundraising through your faith group

Faith groups fundraise for us throughout the year, helping families struggling with homelessness and unsuitable housing.

Why fundraise for Shelter Scotland

We believe that a home is a fundamental right.

We exist to fight the devastating impact the housing emergency has on people and society. We campaign to create a future where a safe home is available for everyone.

Every year, our advice services support thousands of people dealing with unsuitable housing or homelessness.

Your fundraising supports everything we do.

Fundraising ideas for your faith group

Hold a bake sale

Get your best cake makers together and hold a bake sale after your service or meeting.

Hold a Purim fancy dress competition

Challenge members of your synagogue to find the best costume at Purim. Fundraise by charging an entry fee per participant. Ask the children to judge who is the best dressed.

Celebrate Diwali together

Hold a small dinner or get-together to celebrate the festival of light. Ask your guests to make a donation to attend.

Hold a community iftar

Holding an iftar is a great way to bring your community together. Raise money for us as you break your fast during Ramadan.

Share skills

Do you know a talented chef, expert florist or a wonderful crafter? Ask them to lead a class teaching their specialist skill. Ask for a donation from each attendee.

Give something up

Can't go a day without some chocolate or a latte from your favourite coffee shop? Give up something for a time. Donate the money you would have spent to Shelter Scotland.

Hold a concert

Organise a carol concert or hymns recital with your congregation. Ask for donations at the door.

Ask your church to have a retiring collection

Raise money with your congregation by holding a collection during a church service.

Find fundraising ideas

Check our fundraising resources for more ideas for fundraising within your community.

Get in touch

We're committed to being as inclusive as possible.

Please email us at if you don't see your religion or faith group represented here. We'll work hard to rectify this.