Shocking number of people dying while homeless in Scotland
Posted 05 Feb 2020

Statistics released today by the National Records of Scotland, with show an estimated 195 homeless people died in 2018.
Graeme Brown, Director of Shelter Scotland, said:
“Behind these shocking figures lie individual personal tragedies. People living in desperate situations ultimately failed by the system. They will leave behind them bereaved relatives and friends who have our sympathies.
“It is vital that the effort to end this loss of life does not end with the publication of the figures.
“The housing, health, social care and justice sectors need to work more closely together to ensure people get the tailored support they need for health issues such as mental illness and addictions. We also need to see housing that supports people to recover and stay well.
“The Housing First model is a good example of how this can be done but only if it is adequately resourced with good housing and highly-skilled professionals providing support services to ensure it reaches those most at risk.”