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United call for MSPs to declare housing emergency

Posted 14 May 2024

Organisations from across Scotland have united to urge MSPs to back a motion declaring a national housing emergency at Holyrood tomorrow.

An open letter to all MSPs has been signed by representatives from Scotland’s housing sector, local government, and the trade union movement. 

It urges politicians to come together to declare a housing emergency and commit to taking action to end it. 

Shelter Scotland Director, Alison Watson, said:

“There’s no question that Scotland is in a housing emergency; 45 children become homeless every day, local homelessness services are cracking under unprecedented pressure, and housing costs are out of control.

“This is a real opportunity for our politicians to show they understand the daily struggles facing the communities they represent and that they’re determined to act.

“That so many organisations have united behind our call to declare a housing emergency sends a clear message to everyone in Holyrood; it’s time to take the lead, come together to declare a housing emergency, and take the action needed to end it.”

STUC General Secretary, Roz Foyer, said:

“It is simply unsustainable for the Scottish Government to keep burying its head in the sand over the housing emergency gripping every corner of the country.

“With more and more local authorities literally on an emergency footing over the lack of housing available, we need to see the proper funding allocated to our councils so they can provide for those most in need.

“Housing is a human right. The new First Minister has our support in his aim of reducing poverty throughout Scotland but, simply put, this cannot be done on a shoestring budget. The Scottish Government must seriously look again at their devastating £200 million cut to the Housing Budget and pull on every economic lever possible to ensure our local authorities are properly funded and resourced.

Councillor Jane Meagher, City of Edinburgh Council Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convenor said:

“I am proud of the work that we have done across the sector, both to declare a housing emergency, and to work on responding to the challenges ahead of us. Unfortunately, the facts that led us to declaring a Housing Emergency in Edinburgh namely; soaring rents, limited supply and high numbers of homelessness presentations, remain the same. It is astounding that the government haven’t recognised this as an emergency yet. 

“I would urge them to listen to what we are showing them, to take the opportunity to demonstrate that they understand the challenges that people in this country face and give us the support required to help rectify the systemic issues we see. 

“To declare a housing emergency on a national level would show the priorities of government were in the right place; forward looking, progressive and supportive to those who most need it. 

“We have the expertise, and experience, having declared a housing emergency, and would be delighted to work with the government in doing the right thing and listening to the ever growing voice that is saying housing has to be its priority.”

SFHA Chief Executive Sally Thomas said: 

“All the evidence makes it abundantly clear that Scotland is in a housing emergency. 

“With homelessness at its highest ever level and a record number of households trapped in temporary accommodation, including nearly 10,000 children, now is the time for action.

“Beyond today’s declaration, our politicians must commit to delivering the affordable rented homes Scotland desperately needs- and that means reversing last year’s hammer-blow cut of almost £200m to the affordable housebuilding budget.

“Up to 20,000 children are kept out of poverty in Scotland because they live in a social home; delivering more social homes is the best route out of our housing emergency and is also a crucial step in eradicating child poverty.”

Notes to editors:

The full list of signatories to the letter is as follows:

  • Alison Watson, Director, Shelter Scotland

  • Councillor Jane Meagher, Convenor of Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee, City of Edinburgh Council

  • Councillor Gurpreet Singh Johal, Convener of Housing and Communities Committee for West Dunbartonshire Council

  • Ewan Aitken, Chief Executive, Cyrenians

  • Karen Barr, CEO, Rowan Alba

  • Margaret-Ann Brunjes, Chief Executive, Homeless Network Scotland

  • Matt Downie, Chief Executive, Crisis

  • Roz Foyer, General Secretary, STUC

  • Janet Haugh, Chief Executive, Right There

  • Peter Kelly, Director, The Poverty Alliance

  • Charles Maasz, Chief Executive, Glasgow City Mission

  • Lilian Macer, Scottish Secretary, UNISON 

  • Aaliya Seyal, Chief Executive Officer, Legal Services Agency

  • Sally Thomas, Chief Executive, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations