Ambitious Housebuilding Programme for Scotland - Debate briefing for MSPs
Ambitious Housebuilding Programme for Scotland - Debate briefing for MSPs – Wednesday 18 November 2015
New research commissioned by Shelter Scotland, the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland and the cottish Federation of Housing Associations published in October 2015 shows we need 12,000 affordable homes a year in Scotland for the next 5 years to address the backlog of Housing need and the needs of new households forming over that period.
The current Scotland-wide programme of annual affordable housing supply only produces around half of this number. In June 2015, the independent Commission on Housing and Wellbeing found that if we want to ensure that all households have a decent home, making a significant contribution to the nation's wellbeing, we need to build more houses - particularly affordable housing.
Based on evidenced need, we are arguing for a shift in affordable housing supply not seen for two generations, and we recognise that although there is a cost-implication to this, we believe the scale of expenditure required is achievable.
Benefits of an ambitious commitment to building 12,000 affordable homes per year include doubling the money through additional finance levered in, sustaining over 18,000 jobs and supporting other education, health, economic, community and environmental policy priorities.