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Briefing: The People v GCC

By: Shelter Scotland
Published: August 2019

Briefing: The People V GCC

• Shelter Scotland is prepared to take legal action against Glasgow City Council (GCC) for denying homeless people their legal rights. This is breaking the law.

• For the second year in a row Glasgow City Council has broken the law by routinely denying people’s rights to a home.

• The latest government homelessness statistics show that people were turned away more than 3000 times last year, instead of being given a place to stay.

• Shelter Scotland will not sit by as people’s legal rights to a home are routinely denied and we will speak out even when others stay silent.

• Glasgow City Council must apologise to the people turned away and guarantee never to force people on to the street again.

• We stand with homeless people in Glasgow, who for too long have had no voice.