Response to the consultation document 'Building strong, safe and attractive communities'
Response to the consultation document 'Building strong, safe and attractive communities'
Shelter has worked with both victims and perpetrators and is well placed to comment on specific proposals to deal with the problem. We would like to be involved in future meetings planned by the Executive on any strategy arising from the consultation.
Key points:
• Attempts to deal with anti-social behaviour must be set in the context of an overall discussion about the nature of the problem. In parallel with the introduction of community based initiatives, research is required into perceptions and actual experiences of antisocial behaviour across communities in Scotland, as well the level of need for investment in communities as a way to reduce instances of anti-social behaviour.
• It is important that the initiatives proposed are used to prevent anti-social behaviour, as well as addressing the problem when it has occurred. There is an urgent need for the Scottish Executive to develop innovative responses to anti-social behaviour. Similarly, increased emphasis must be placed on the role of preventative work.
• The paper refers to the need for supervision for anti-social families. Families that carry out anti-social behaviour must bear responsibility for their actions, and supervision may be required in some cases. Shelter is disappointed with the lack of attention given to the provision of support services for these families. Some families may need a low level of support, and others more intensive support to address anti-social behaviour. There needs to be a better recognition of the role which support can play in both preventing and responding to anti-social behaviour.