Scottish Government consultation on energy efficiency: the views of private tenants
Scottish Government consultation on energy efficiency the views of private tenants
The Scottish Government are currently proposing to introduce a minimum energy efficiency standard for the private rented sector.
Shelter Scotland, on behalf of WWF Scotland who are members of the Existing Homes Alliance Scotland, was commissioned to find out the views of private tenants on the proposals.
A variety of engagement methods were used, including a YouGov survey, an in-depth online survey, tenant events and one to one interviews.
Key findings
Private tenants wish their home was more energy efficient
Private tenants struggle to pay their fuel bills and keep their home warm
Private tenants currently feel powerless to deal with issues of energy inefficiency in their home. They fear revenge eviction or rent increases if they ask for too much, and feel even when they do ask their landlords don’t do anything or are very slow to act.
Private tenants are unable to ‘vote with their feet’ to choose energy efficient housing.
Private tenants support the introduction of the minimum energy efficiency