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Shelter Scotland briefing on Housing (Scotland) Bill 2014 Stage 1

By: Shelter Scotland
Published: January 2014

Shelter Scotland briefing on Housing (Scotland) Bill 2014 Stage 1

Unsuitable Accommodation Order: Strengthen current legislation to make sure that households with children or expectant mothers have a right to challenge being placed in homeless temporary accommodation that is of a very poor standard of physical repair.

Section 5 referrals: All referrals for settled accommodation for statutory homeless households from councils to registered social landlord (RSL) partners should be made through mandatory use of a ’Section 5’ referral. This would make all housing allocations and partnerships transparent and measurable.

Electrical safety: Shelter Scotland would like to see carbon monoxide alarms become mandatory in all privately rented property in Scotland. This could be achieved by an amendment to the Repairing Standard in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.