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Shelter Scotland briefing on housing support consultation

By: Shelter Scotland
Published: February 2012

Consultation on housing support for homeless households

On 18 January the Scottish Government issued its consultation paper on statutory support for homeless households. The deadline for responses is 11 April 2012. Shelter Scotland will be submitting a full response to the consultation; this briefing provides some early comments only, which we may refine as feedback and discussion continues.

The Scottish Government has made a clear commitment to implement statutory provisions on housing support for homeless people. This is welcome and provides a clear focus for respondents on how to deliver the commitment.

The consultation shows that up to two-thirds of homeless people who need housing support may not receive it – a powerful case for strengthening current provisions.

Given the lengthy period since the legislation was passed by parliament it is important that the Scottish Government sets out a detailed timetable for the duty to be commenced by no later than 1 January 2013; and that local authorities are able to make preparations for that date.

In weighing up costs of new provisions, it is important to bear in mind that these costs stem from provision of a service to people who need it but may not currently receive it; and, so there are benefits as well as costs.