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The state of Scotland's housing

By: Shelter Scotland
Published: November 2003

The state of Scotland's housing

• 360,000 (17%) of Scotland’s houses are affected by dampness or condensation.

• The average Scottish house scores only 4.5 out of ten on the energy rating scale.

• 88% of Scottish homes fail to meet the energy standards (7 out of 10), which have been required of new houses for more than a decade.

• Fuel poverty has dropped from 738,000 (35%) in 1996 compared to 369,000 (17%) in 2002, but is common in households with no central heating, pensioner households and those in the private in rented sector.

• The total repair and improvement bill for Scottish Housing is in excess of £10 billion.

• 776,000 (35%) households include at least one person with a long-term illness or disability.

• There are 3.5 times more people in need of 'barrier free' housing than there are barrier free homes.

• The worst conditions of disrepair are in the private rented sector.

• Rural stock is in poorer state of repair than urban stock.