Repairs if you rent from a private landlord or letting agent
Apply to the tribunal if your landlord is not doing repairs
If your home does not meet the repairing standard, apply to the First-tier Tribunal (Housing and Property Chamber).
The tribunal can order your landlord to do necessary repairs. You can also ask for compensation.
It’s free to apply to the tribunal, and you do not need a solicitor.
The tribunal process can take several months. Keep reporting the repairs to your landlord while you apply.
Write to your landlord before applying to the tribunal
You must report the repair in writing and give your landlord or letting agent a reasonable time to fix it.
If repairs have still not been done, email or write to your landlord again to complain. They could do the repairs more quickly if you warn them you’ll apply to the tribunal.
Copy and paste the sample text and personalise it with your details. Delete any parts that do not apply to you.
Attach any evidence you have, such as copies of previous letters you've sent or photos of the repair problems.
Letter template: complain about repairs to your landlord or letting agent
Subject: Repairs not done at <your address>
To <your landlord's name>
I contacted you on <date> to ask for repair work at <your address>.
The repairs needed are <describe the repairs>. These repairs have still not been done.
I have checked my rights on the Shelter Scotland website. You have a duty to make sure my home meets the repairing standard in section 13 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006. Currently my home does not meet this standard, and you must do the repairs within a reasonable time.
I believe it's reasonable for the repair work to be done within <number of days> because of the effect it's having on me.
<Give details, for example: it's causing damage to my home / affecting my health / making my home unsafe>
Please contact me within 2 working days to confirm when the repairs will be done.
If you do not arrange for the repairs to be done, I will apply to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) for an enforcement order.
Thank you,
<your name>
<your phone number>
You can also send the letter as an email attachment or through the post:
Word template: make a complaint about repairs to your private landlord (docx, 16 kb)
OpenDocument template: make a complaint about repairs to your private landlord (odt 9KB)
How to apply to the tribunal
You'll need to fill in an application form and sent it with evidence of the problem.
You can only apply during your tenancy. If you move out, your application will be cancelled.
You can make a separate application for compensation any time during your tenancy or after it has ended.
Applying to make your landlord do repairs
Download Form A on the tribunal website.
Fill in the form and send it with:
a copy of your tenancy agreement
copies of any letters or emails you sent your landlord about the repairs
any other evidence you think is relevant, such as photos of the repair problem or doctor's letters if your health is affected
If you rent from a letting agency
It’s still your landlord’s responsibility to do repairs. Write the landlord's details in section 6 and the letting agency's details in section 7.
If you do not know the landlord’s name and address, check the Scottish landlord register or ask your letting agent for their details. They must give you this within 21 days.
Letting agents must tell the landlord about repairs and keep you informed. You can make a separate application against the letting agency if they have not followed their duties.
Applying for compensation
The tribunal can order your landlord to pay you compensation if repairs have:
cost you money
affected your health
damaged your belongings
caused inconvenience – for example, if repair problems meant you could not use part of your home
You’ll need to make a separate application to ask for compensation.
Download Form F and the Notes on Completing Form F on the tribunal website.
In section 5a, write:
'rule 111' if you have a private residential tenancy
'rule 70' if you have an assured tenancy or a short assured tenancy
In section 5c, say how much money you want your landlord to pay you and why.
Include proof of the repair issues and how they affected you, such as:
receipts for items you had to replace
doctor’s letters for any health issues
any emails or letters you sent your landlord about the repairs
photos of the repair problems and any belongings that were damaged
any other proof of how the problem impacted your life – for example, if you had to miss work or move somewhere more expensive
Where to send your application
You can send your form and evidence by email or post.
Post: Glasgow Tribunals Centre, 20 York Street, Glasgow, G2 8GT
After you apply
The tribunal will write to you and your landlord to tell you what happens next.
They’ll set a date to inspect your home. You’ll also have to attend a case discussion or hearing. This usually happens over the phone.
Check our advice on what happens after you apply to the tribunal.
If the tribunal decides repairs are needed
They can send your landlord a repairing standard enforcement order. This tells them what they must do to fix the repairs and how long they have to do it.
It’s a criminal offence for your landlord to ignore the order. They must prove that the repairs have been completed before the order can be lifted.
If your landlord does not do the repairs by the deadline, the tribunal can order them to reduce your rent until the problem is fixed. This is called a rent relief order.
If you’re worried about being evicted
You're protected from revenge eviction. You can only be evicted if your landlord has a valid reason and follows a strict legal process.
You can challenge an eviction at the tribunal. Check our advice on your eviction rights.
Last updated: 24 February 2025
Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.
This content applies to Scotland only.