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Croft house grant scheme

This page looks at the croft house grant scheme, which provides grants to help crofters build new homes or renovate existing croft houses.

The croft house grant scheme (CHGS) is targeted at certain areas of Scotland, and higher priority for a grant is given to people in remote areas with declining populations.

This content applies to Scotland

Who can apply?

Applicants for croft house grant scheme (CHGS) must meet certain criteria. They must be either:

  • a crofting tenant

  • the owner occupier of a croft who has bought the croft from the landlord within the past seven years

  • a cottar

  • a Kyles crofter

In addition, applicants must either be inadequately housed, or must need to build a property on the croft, for example if they currently live 10 or more miles away, or if their continued presence is required on the croft. Full details of eligibility criteria are contained in the Scottish Government guidance notes for applicants.

How does the scheme work?

Grants under the CHGS are discretionary. The amount of grant awarded is as follows:

Grants for new houses

  • £22,000 for a house in a high priority area

  • £17,000 for a house in a standard priority area

  • £11,500 for a house in a low priority area

Grants for rebuilding and improvement

  • 40 per cent of costs up to a maximum of £22,000 for a house in a high priority area

  • 30 per cent of costs up to a maximum of £17,000 for a house in a standard priority area

  • 20 per cent of costs up to a maximum of £11,500 for a house in a low priority area

In addition, there are conditions attached to a grant, for example, the applicant must occupy the property and keep it maintained and insured. If an applicant breaks the conditions within 15 years for a grant for a new house, or 10 years for a grant for rebuilding or improvements, then they must pay back a proportion of the grant, depending on how long after receiving the grant they broke the condition.

Full details of the scheme are available in the Scottish Government guidance notes and the Crofters Commission website has copies of application forms and guidance.

Last updated: 29 December 2014