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Policy library

In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.

Statement of concern on the impact of the Immigration Bill on Scotland’s communities

Immigration has for decades enriched UK and Scottish life through increased social diversity, economic growth and competitiveness and an enhanced cultural life. Migrants have and continue to be central to delivering some of our valued public services, especially the NHS. Although immigration and asylum are reserved to the UK Parliament, housing and health are in the legislative and executive competence of the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government, respectively.

Published: 31 January 2014

Statement of concern on the impact of the Immigration Bill on Scotland’s communities

Housing (Scotland) Bill 2013: policy proposal on section 5 referrals

Shelter Scotland supports the broad aims of the Housing (Scotland) Bill (2013): to improve the management of social housing and safeguard its supply, to improve dispute resolution mechanisms in the private rented sector and to regulate letting agents.

Published: 31 January 2014

Housing (Scotland) Bill 2013: policy proposal on section 5 referrals

Stat Sheet – Homelessness and Housing in Scotland 2013

This statsheet provides information on who is homeless in Scotland, the main reasons for becoming homeless across Scotland, the outcomes of those found to be homeless, and also Scotland's housing supply.

Published: 31 December 2013

Stat Sheet – Homelessness and Housing in Scotland 2013

Shelter Scotland's response to the expert working group on welfare and the constitution's call for evidence

Response to call for evidence - Expert working group on welfare and the constitution

Published: 31 December 2013

Shelter Scotland's response to the expert working group on welfare and the constitution's call for evidence

Extract from an opinion of counsel on letting agents' fees in Scotland

Due to continuing uncertainty surrounding the law which covers premiums, particularly in relation to fees charged before the Scottish Government’s clarification of the law, Shelter Scotland have sought the opinion of counsel.

Published: 31 December 2013

Extract from an opinion of counsel on letting agents' fees in Scotland

Shelter Scotland's response to the Office of Fair Trading's consultation on their draft guidance for the lettings industry

Shelter Scotland welcomes the Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) publication of draft guidance for lettings professionals. Once finalised this, alongside the forthcoming regulation of letting agents in Scotland and other recent legislative developments, is a step in the right direction for Scotland’s private rented sector.

Published: 31 December 2013

Shelter Scotland's response to the Office of Fair Trading's consultation on their draft guidance for the lettings industry

Temporary Accommodation standards: campaign briefing

Shelter Scotland recently launched our Christmas 2013 emergency appeal to help the 4,847 children who will wake up on Christmas day without a home. In addition to asking the public to support our work to support families experiencing bad housing or homelessness, we are calling for action from the Scottish Government to guarantee minimum standards for families in temporary accommodation.

Published: 30 November 2013

Temporary Accommodation standards: campaign briefing

People not process: An action plan for the delivery of Scotland’s homelessness commitment

Shelter Scotland is calling for a ten year action plan addressing homelessness prevention and crisis services in Scotland. This briefing covers six key recommendations which should form part of the action plan. These recommendations will help the continuous improvement of Scotland's homelessness services, and maintain focus on delivering the ongoing 2012 commitment.

Published: 31 October 2013

People not process: An action plan for the delivery of Scotland’s homelessness commitment

The case for greater security for private tenants in Scotland

Shelter Scotland shares the Scottish Government’s vision for a private rented sector (PRS) that can play a greater role in meeting housing need.

Published: 30 September 2013

The case for greater security for private tenants in Scotland

'Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster' - Action Plan for Scotland

Policy Briefing - ‘Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster’ - Campaign Action Plan for Scotland

Published: 30 September 2013

'Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster' - Action Plan for Scotland