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Response to the Law Society of Scotland’s Discussion Paper on Legal Assistance in Scotland

By: Shelter Scotland
Published: February 2015

Response to the Law Society of Scotland’s Discussion Paper on Legal Assistance in Scotland

Shelter Housing Law Service has grave concerns about the proposal to remove Housing Law from the scope of civil legal assistance.

Housing Law impacts disproportionately on the most vulnerable in society. The proposals outlined in the Law Society's discussion paper would remove protection currently offered to them.

Housing Law is a complex, fluid area of law that requires specialist legal advice and representation.

If Legal Aid were not available and the proposal that advice centres represent individuals instead were to be implemented, this would significantly affect individuals' access to justice.

If Legal Aid were not available to those with Housing Law difficulties, there is likely to be a net loss to the overall public purse. Any savings seen in not providing Legal Aid to this area would likely be outweighed by the costs of increased homelessness, and medical services following on the negative impact of lack of or poor housing on individuals.