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Handling data safely

You will likely have a list of people that you contact who have joined your local housing campaign. You will have collected their personal data to contact them. Personal data is any identifiable information. It can include their name, email address, mobile number and home address.

It is important you know how to handle people’s personal data in a safe, secure way.

Someone has given you permission for you or the campaign group to contact them. They have not given permission for their personal data to be shared with other group members or people outside of the group.

Storing personal data

Once someone has given you their personal data, it is best to save this information on a spreadsheet saved on your device. If someone else in your group is also responsible for contacting group members you can send them a copy of the spreadsheet to save on their device. It can be useful to share this page with them too.

Collecting personal data

If you are collecting data at an event or stall, have one person responsible for keeping hold of the personal data collected and for adding it to a spreadsheet. You should make sure that the personal data is never left without supervision. Destroy any paper with personal data on it as soon as you have added the data you need to a spreadsheet.

Top tip! You should only contact someone for the reasons that they have given you their contact details. For example, if they have given you their details to join your local campaign group, you should not contact them about petitions not relating to the group.

Sending emails

You should only include someone's email address in the 'to' field if you are emailing one person.

If you are sending an email to more than one person, you should use blind carbon copy (bcc). By using bcc, your group can only see your email address, and no one else’s.

Top tip! Set up a group email address. This means that you are not using your personal account and you can have more than one person responsible for sending emails.

Sending WhatsApp messages

You can use WhatsApp, or similar apps, to send direct messages to one person if they have given you their mobile number and permission to contact them.

If you want to send a group message, it is best to set up a WhatsApp group. Instead of adding members, send your members an invite link through a direct message. If they join the group chat, this means they are giving permission for their details to be shared in this way.

Sending messages to your local community organiser

You are welcome to include your local community organiser in your BCC emails and to share their contact details with your group. But you should not share anyone’s contact details with your local organiser without their permission.

Removing someone’s personal data

Some people may decide to leave your group and will not want to be contacted again. If this happens, it’s important to make sure you delete their personal data and remove them from any group chat or mailing list. If you are keeping their details on a spreadsheet, delete all their information from that sheet. Similarly, if anyone else in your group has access to contact details, you should ask them to delete the person’s data too.

Top tip! When someone shares their personal data let them know that they can tell you if they do not want to be contacted again.

Your local community organiser is on hand to support you. We can help you set up an email address or group chat for your campaign group and make you feel more confident about handling personal data safely.

Email to be connected with your local organiser.