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Writing an engaging blog

Blogs are a creative tool to help you share your thoughts, ideas and passions. In activism, you can use your blog to engage and inspire your readers.

An effective blog can help you raise awareness of your local housing campaign and recruit new members.

Have a purpose

Know what you want your blog to achieve and who you are wanting to engage before you start writing anything.

You could use your blog to:

  • get information on your housing issue across to the general public

  • inspire existing activists to join your movement

  • involve communities in your local area with a vested interest in the housing issue

Start with an outline

Start with bullet points and subheadings to help you outline exactly what you want to include in your blog. The outline can help you write a blog that stays focused on the main points.

Grab attention with a great opening

The first few sentences you write can help you grab your reader’s attention. You can go back to your opening after you’ve drafted your blog.

Keep it short

You want your blog to be engaging. A good length to aim for Is between 500 - 700 words.

Write how you speak

Try to make it informal and conversational. You want the reader to feel like they are having a conversation with you, rather than reading something that someone else could have written.

Write from the heart

You are using your blog to help inspire people to join your call to action. The best way to do that is to include your own experiences and why you are passionate about this issue. You can also get quotes from fellow activists or those affected by the housing issue. Make sure you link these personal accounts back to why you are writing your blog and the action you are asking the reader to take.

Have a clear call to action

Once you’ve grabbed the reader's attention and made them feel connected you should give them clear actions to take. You could ask them to:

  • join your campaign group

  • sign a petition

  • sign up for a newsletter

  • come to your next meeting

  • follow your campaign on social media

  • contact you

Add an eye-catching image

A great image that sums up your blog can help grab your reader’s attention. It could be a photo of you or your group or an engaging graphic.