How to deal with an illegal eviction by a private landlord
What to do after an illegal eviction
Get emergency accommodation from the council if you need it.
Arrange to get your belongings and deposit back.
Report your landlord to the council and police so they can take action against them.
You can claim compensation from your landlord at the First-tier Tribunal (Housing and Property Chamber).
Emergency accommodation if you’re forced out
Contact the council and make a homeless application. They must give you emergency accommodation if you’ve nowhere to go.
You're entitled to homelessness help even if you can stay with family or friends. You do not have to be living on the streets to be homeless.
Check our advice on making a homeless application.
If you pay for a hotel or B&B, keep the receipt. You can claim compensation from your landlord to try to get the money back.
If you’re not a British or Irish citizen, your rights to homeless help from the council could be different. Check our advice on how your immigration status affects your housing options.
Getting your belongings back
Your landlord must return your belongings or allow you access to collect them.
They cannot sell them to cover rent arrears or leave them outside for you to collect.
If your landlord damages or disposes of your belongings, you can claim compensation for the costs of replacing them.
If your landlord will not give your belongings back
You can use reasonable force to re-enter your home to get your belongings back. Only do this if you feel safe doing so.
It’s best to have the police there when you do this, so they do not think you’re breaking in or causing criminal damage. Tell the council you’re doing this, if they’re involved.
Your landlord can try to make you pay for repairing damage you cause or changing the locks.
Getting your deposit back
If your deposit was protected, contact the deposit scheme. Tell them you were illegally evicted. Ask for your deposit to be returned directly to you. Challenge any deductions your landlord tries to make.
Provide any evidence you have of being illegally evicted, such as:
police reports
texts or emails from your landlord
copies of emails from the council about it
If your deposit was not protected when it should have been, you could get compensation.
Check our advice on getting your deposit back.
Reporting your landlord to the council
Most landlords must be registered with the council.
If they illegally evict their tenants, this should affect their registration. They may not be able to let out the property in the future.
Contact the council and report them to the landlord registration team. Search for your council's contact details on
If your landlord is not registered
They can be fined for being unregistered. Give the council:
their details
proof they were renting to you
proof of the illegal eviction
Check our advice on landlord registration.
Reporting your landlord to the police
Call the police on 101 and report what happened. Quote the crime reference number if you got one previously.
Police should investigate further and take action. Your landlord can be fined, or in very serious cases imprisoned.
If the police did not help you
Illegal eviction is a criminal offence. If the police claim that illegal eviction is a civil matter and refuse to help you, you can make a complaint.
Include any evidence you have, such as:
statements from neighbours or other witnesses
times you called the police and what you said
the names and badge numbers of the police officers, if you have them
Follow Citizens Advice guidance on making a complaint about the police.
Getting compensation for illegal eviction
You can apply for compensation at the First-tier Tribunal (Housing and Property Chamber). It’s free to apply to the tribunal.
If you've not moved back into your home after an illegal eviction, you can apply for compensation called statutory damages.
The tribunal can order your landlord to pay you up to 36 months' rent.
Getting legal advice about compensation
Applying for illegal eviction compensation is complicated.
Get legal advice if you want to apply to the tribunal. A solicitor can help you and work out how much to ask for.
Find a solicitor on the Law Society of Scotland website.
Solicitors charge for their work. You may be able to get free legal advice or legal aid to help with costs.
Applying to the tribunal for statutory damages
To apply if you have a private residential tenancy, download Form F and the Notes on Completing Form F on the tribunal website. In section 7a, write 'rule 111'.
If you have an assured tenancy or a short assured tenancy, download Form G and the Notes on Completing Form G from the tribunal's website. In section 7a, write 'rule 69'.
Evidence you can provide:
copies of police reports about the illegal eviction
statements from neighbours or other witnesses
copies of emails or texts you got from your landlord when they were forcing you out
evidence of having to replace belongings that they threw away
evidence showing you had to pay for emergency accommodation, such as a hotel or B&B
If you have access needs, download the inclusive provision questionnaire to tell the tribunal about it. For example, if you need an induction loop or an interpreter.
You can send your form and evidence by email or post.
Post: Glasgow Tribunals Centre, 20 York Street, Glasgow, G2 8GT
Check our advice on what happens after you apply to the tribunal.
Last updated: 17 February 2025
Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.
This content applies to Scotland only.