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Applying for social housing

Issues with your priority on the housing list

When you apply for social housing you'll get a level of priority on a housing list. If you think the council or housing association gave you the wrong priority, you can appeal it.

Update any existing applications if your circumstances have changed. For example, if your contact details have changed or you don't have the right to stay in your current home.

If you've been given the wrong priority

You have the right to appeal. It's best to appeal in writing. Before you send your email or letter:

  • check the council or housing association’s appeals process

  • check the council or housing association’s allocations policy to see what priority you should have

  • gather evidence of why you should get higher priority, for example letters from your doctor or social worker

Keep a copy of any letters you send or receive.

You can use this letter template to challenge a social housing application decision. Copy and paste the sample text and personalise it with your details.

Letter template: request a review of your social housing priority

Subject: Request for a review of my housing priority

To <council or housing association>

I’m getting in contact to request a review of my housing priority.

My name is <your full name> and my current address is <your address>. My housing application was submitted on <date> with application reference <your reference number>.

I have been given a priority status of <number of points and/or band category>. I have checked your allocations policy, and I believe I should have higher priority.

According to the policy, I should be awarded <additional points / a higher band> because <give details, for example: my current home is affecting my health / my current home is overcrowded>.

I have provided the following evidence:

<list the evidence you’ve given>

Please let me know if you require any further evidence.

When the decision has been looked at again, please write to me with an explanation of how my priority has been decided.

Thank you

<your full name>
<contact number>
<the date you’re sending this letter or email>

You can also send the letter as an email attachment or through the post:

If they reject your request for a review, contact a Shelter Scotland adviser. They can check how much priority you should have and tell you what to do next.

If you’ve been treated unfairly or discriminated against, check our advice on:

If your circumstances change

Contact the council or housing association and ask them to update your application. This is important as it is a criminal offence to put false information on your application.

Updating your application also means you only get offered homes that are suitable for your needs. If the changes mean you have a more urgent need, you could get a higher priority on the waiting list.

Include any evidence of these changes in your update. For example:

  • letters from social work

  • police reports

  • eviction notices

  • letters from your doctor

You can use the letter template below to update your housing application. Copy and paste the sample text and personalise it with your details. Delete anything that does not apply to you.

Letter template: update your housing application

Subject: Change of circumstances for my housing application

To <council or housing association>

I’m getting in contact to update you on a change of my circumstances that may affect my housing application.

My name is <your full name> and my current address is <your address>. My housing application was submitted on <date> with application reference <your reference number>.

Here’s what has changed:<include or delete any changes relevant to your application, and give details>

- my contact details have changed

- my household has become bigger or smaller

- there is a new serious repair issue in my current home

- someone in my household is at risk of abuse or violence

- I do not have the right to stay in my current home

- someone in my household has new health or support needs

I’m currently on <amount of points / band> and I believe with this change I should <have this amount of points / be in this band>.

I have provided the following evidence:

<list the evidence you’ve given>

Please confirm receipt of this update, and let me know if you need anything else from me in order to update my priority on the housing list.

Thank you,

<your full name>

<your contact number>

<the date you’re sending this letter or email>

You can also send the letter as an email attachment or through the post:

Last updated: 24 July 2024

Housing laws differ between Scotland and England.

This content applies to Scotland only.

Get advice if you're in England