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Press releases and statements

1 in 10 say their home harms their health

One in 10 adults in Scotland - equivalent to 444,000 people - say their current home harms their health.

Posted on 13 Oct 2021

1 in 10 say their home harms their health

Evicting tenants from social housing cost at least £28 million

Alison Watson, Director of Shelter Scotland

Posted on 07 Sep 2021

Evicting tenants from social housing cost at least £28 million

The promise of a fairer housing system for Scotland

Shelter Scotland responds to the housing plans announced by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party

Posted on 20 Aug 2021

The promise of a fairer housing system for Scotland

Comment on latest quarterly homelessness statistics

“Shelter Scotland welcomes the small drop in the number of people currently living in temporary accommodation waiting for a safe, permanent home. “We recognise the work of frontline council staff who are providing lifeline services to people who would otherwise have nowhere to go.

Posted on 10 Aug 2021

Comment on latest quarterly homelessness statistics

Council homelessness casework rises 10% during the pandemic

Shelter Scotland responds to latest homelessness statistics

Posted on 29 Jun 2021

Council homelessness casework rises 10% during the pandemic

Scotland's housing system failing 1.5million people

1.5million failed by a broken and biased housing system. Perry is one of those denied the home he needs.

Posted on 26 May 2021

Scotland's housing system failing 1.5million people

Homelessness statistics expose massive shortage of suitable homes

Our director Alison Watson responds to the latest homelessness statistics for the first six months of the pandemic

Posted on 23 Mar 2021

Homelessness statistics expose massive shortage of suitable homes

216 people died while homeless in Scotland in 2019

Shelter Scotland's comment on the latest deaths while homeless statistics for 2019

Posted on 23 Feb 2021

216 people died while homeless in Scotland in 2019

One in four are worried about not meeting housing costs in 2021

A quarter of renters and mortgage holders are worried about not being able to pay their housing costs in 2021, according to new research by Shelter Scotland published today (Tuesday).

Posted on 19 Jan 2021

One in four are worried about not meeting housing costs in 2021

Scottish Government back-tracks on homeless protections

Shelter Scotland's response to continued delay in ending the use of unsuitable temporary accommodation.

Posted on 14 Jan 2021

Scottish Government back-tracks on homeless protections