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Tied accommodation

This section looks at the rights of employees who live in accommodation provided by their employer.

Service tenancy

The term 'service tenant' describes an employee who is not a service occupier, and whose occupation satisfies the normal requirements of a tenancy. 

Service occupancy

If the employee is required to occupy the accommodation for the better performance of their duties, the employee will have a service occupancy. 

Landlord is LA, RSL or Scottish Water

This section looks at the status of a tenant of a local authority, Registered Social Landlord or Scottish Water who occupies the accommodation as part of the contract of employment and for the better performance of their duties. 

Tied accommodation and intentionality

The Code of Guidance states that a person who becomes homeless or threatened with homelessness as a result of losing tied accommodation should not be considered intentionally homeless. 

Gangmasters Licensing Authority

Workers employed by a gangmaster or labour provider to gather, process or package fresh produce are protected by The Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004. The licensing conditions include provisions concerning accommodation. 

Agricultural occupiers

Agricultural occupiers whose accommodation is provided for them as part of their terms of employment have additional rights that protect them from eviction. This page defines agricultural occupiers and explains what these rights are. 

This content applies to Scotland

Last updated: 29 December 2014