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Policy library

In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.

Local authority report cards June 2023 data briefing

Shelter Scotland has undertaken some analysis into the housing emergency and social housing delivery in Scotland’s four largest cities: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen. Using this analysis, we have produced report cards for each city to indicate the progress being made. This briefing note explains the analysis that underpins the report cards, as well as setting out some of the assumptions that have been made where data is unavailable or unclear.

Published: 21 June 2023

Local authority report cards June 2023 data briefing

Shelter Scotland briefing minoritised ethnic access to social housing research

Shelter Scotland have undertaken research led by Heriot-Watt University, in partnership with CEMVO Scotland and funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, to explore the barriers that minoritised ethnic communities face when accessing social housing in Scotland. The researchers carried out a survey of 28 social landlords. They also spoke to 30 people from minoritised ethnic communities, and 10 white Scottish people. This paper is a summary of the research and its key findings: the full report is available on Shelter Scotland's policy library.

Published: 21 June 2023

Shelter Scotland briefing minoritised ethnic access to social housing research

Minoritised ethnic access to social housing in Scotland at key transition points

This research aims to explore the barriers and challenges that low to middle income adults from minoritised ethnic communities face in accessing adequate, affordable housing in Scotland at key transition points. The research was funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, and led by Heriot Watt University in partnership with Shelter Scotland and CEMVO Scotland.

Published: 21 June 2023

Minoritised ethnic access to social housing in Scotland at key transition points

MSP Briefing: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-2026 Progress Report

A briefing paper outlining key Shelter Scotland messages and concerns ahead of a Ministerial Statement on the latest progress report on the Scottish Government’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

Published: 11 June 2023

MSP Briefing: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-2026 Progress Report

Shelter Scotland National Performance Framework consultation response June 2023

This is Shelter Scotland's response to the review of the National Performance Framework. There should be a new National Outcome on housing that should read “We all have a safe, secure and affordable home which meets our needs”. This outcome should have a set of key indicators that sit underneath it ensuring that the housing emergency is addressed. Primarily, the National Outcome should drive change and be measured by the reduction of affordable housing need.

Published: 7 June 2023

Shelter Scotland National Performance Framework consultation response June 2023

Shelter Scotland briefing on understanding the social value of social homes HACT year 1 report 2023

As part of our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, we committed to publishing research looking at the social impact of new social housing on our communities. This research is being undertaken in partnership with the Housing Association Charitable Trust (HACT), with support from an expert advisory panel and currently with involvement from 14 participant organisations. The project aims to report yearly for three years outlining the social value created by new or refurnished social housing. The first impact report was recently published, containing data and findings from the first full year of the project (2022). This Shelter Scotland briefing paper provides a summary of those findings, offers some initial conclusions, and outlines the next steps for the project.

Published: 18 May 2023

Shelter Scotland briefing on understanding the social value of social homes HACT year 1 report 2023

The Social Value of Social Housing HACT 2023

Understanding the social value of social homes project is a three year primary data research project which commenced in Autumn 2021 as a partnership between Shelter Scotland and the Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust (HACT) with support from an expert advisory panel and involvement from 14 participant organisations. This report presents the data from year 1.

Published: 18 May 2023

The Social Value of Social Housing HACT 2023

Shelter Scotland written evidence: damp and mould

Written submission to the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee, ahead of an evidence session on damp and mould in social and private rented housing.

Published: 24 April 2023

Shelter Scotland written evidence: damp and mould

MSP Briefing: Scottish Labour debate on Homelessness Prevention and Housing Supply

Briefing paper for MSPs ahead of the Scottish Labour-led debate on Homelessness Prevention and Housing Supply on 26th April 2023, following the recent publication of the Scottish Government's Temporary Accommodation Task and Finish group's final report.

Published: 24 April 2023

MSP Briefing: Scottish Labour debate on Homelessness Prevention and Housing Supply

MSP Briefing: First Minister's Statement on Scottish Government Priorities and Scottish Government Debate on Child Poverty and Cost of Living

Briefing paper for MSPs ahead of the new First Minister's statement on his priorities for Scotland, and ahead of the Scottish Government debate on child poverty and the cost of living.

Published: 16 April 2023

MSP Briefing: First Minister's Statement on Scottish Government Priorities and Scottish Government Debate on Child Poverty and Cost of Living