Policy library
In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.
Shelter Scotland submission to the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership
With the rising presence of poverty and inequality there is an urgent need for economic, social and cultural rights to fully protect those most in need. Scotland faced a housing crisis prior to the outbreak of covid-19 and this pandemic will only exacerbate these pre-existing inequalities unless concrete measures are taken. A human rights-based approach to recovery from the pandemic is necessary if we want to start tackling the root causes of our housing crisis.
Published: 24 January 2021
Reviewing consumer redress in Scotland's social and private rented sectors
This report provides a short review of existing systems of redress in Scotland’s social and private rental sectors and, drawing upon international examples, indicates some key principles which may inform future debate as to the design and effectiveness of systems of redress and dispute resolution.
Published: 20 January 2021
Letter to the housing minister on removing the Unsuitable Accommodation Order exemptions
We have written to the Housing Minister calling on him not to extend the Unsuitable Accommodation Order (UAO) exemptions currently in place until end Jan 2021
Published: 19 January 2021
Shelter Scotland letter: Unsuitable Accommodation Order SSI 2021/10 – Local Government and Communities Committee
Letter from Alison Watson, Director of Shelter Scotland, to the Local Government and Communities Committee, regarding the latest delay to full implementation of the Unsuitable Accommodation Order.
Published: 13 January 2021
Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance: Budget 2021/22 – Reducing Scotland’s Housing Need
Letter from Shelter Scotland, CIH Scotland, SFHA and partner organisations calling on the Scottish Government to reduce affordable housing need by committing to a new and ambitious social and affordable housebuilding programme in this year's Scottish Budget.
Published: 1 January 2021
Response to the consultation on the Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill
Shelter Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the proposed Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill. This Bill will allow the Scottish Parliament to explore the critical issue of high rents with key stakeholders.
Published: 31 December 2020
Response to the Homeless Network Scotland consultation on the Housing First framework
Shelter Scotland response to the Homeless Network Scotland consultation on the Housing First framework, December 2020.
Published: 1 December 2020
Short Term Lets consultation response
Shelter Scotland's response to short term lets consultation
Published: 30 November 2020
Joint submission from Shelter Scotland, Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland and Scottish Federation of Housing Associations to the Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan
We are an alliance of Scotland’s leading housing and homeless organisations, coming together with a single voice on what the evidence tells us is required to safeguard an effective affordable housing programme which will reduce housing need in Scotland.
Published: 30 November 2020
Has ‘affordable housing’ remained affordable across Scotland?
In this report we consider the degree to which housing that is nominally ‘affordable’ in Scotland has remained so over the period 2013/14 – 2018/19.
Published: 30 November 2020