Mobile homes and the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987
This section discusses the protection offered to mobile home occupiers by the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987.
Mobile homes and Housing (Scotland) Act 1987
Although local authorities have the power to provide caravan sites, they are not permitted to provide actual caravans on those sites. [1] There have, however, been instances where local authorities have provided caravans as temporary accommodation for statutory homeless persons.
Temporary homeless accommodation can be provided as a short Scottish secure tenancy if it is for a period of at least six months, according to schedule 1 to the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. If it is for less than six months, then this will be an occupancy agreement. If it can be established, however, that the mobile home is a dwelling house, and that the initial agreement did not specify that it was a short Scottish secure tenancy, then a secure tenancy may have been created.
Last updated: 20 January 2020