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Policy library

In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.

Incorporating the UNCRC into Scottish law - Shelter Scotland response

Shelter Scotland's response to the proposal to incorporate the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child into Scottish law.

Published: 30 September 2019

Incorporating the UNCRC into Scottish law - Shelter Scotland response

'Are you with us?' campaign briefing

This briefing provides an overview of Shelter Scotland's 'Are you with us?' campaign on housing rights.

Published: 31 August 2019

'Are you with us?' campaign briefing

Charter for Change

Shelter Scotland's Charter for Change is a tool for organisations to become involved in ensuring there is a safe, secure and affordable home for everyone.

Published: 31 August 2019

Charter for Change

Written evidence: Local Government and Communities Committee Scottish Budget 2020-21

This report sets out Shelter Scotland's evidence and recommendations on local government financial challenges.

Published: 31 August 2019

Written evidence: Local Government and Communities Committee Scottish Budget 2020-21

Consultation Response - Scottish Labour First Stage Consultation on Communities

Shelter Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Labour Policy Forum’s First Stage Consultation Paper on Communities, and has answered a number of questions on housing.

Published: 31 August 2019

Consultation Response - Scottish Labour First Stage Consultation on Communities

Equality and Human Rights Committee budget scrutiny - Shelter Scotland submission

This is Shelter Scotland's submission to the Equality and Human Rights Committee's 2020-21 budget scrutiny.

Published: 31 August 2019

Equality and Human Rights Committee budget scrutiny - Shelter Scotland submission

Pre action letter judicial review - to Glasgow City Council

This is a pre-action letter for judicial review from Balfour and Manson instructed by Shelter Scotland, in August 2019.

Published: 31 August 2019

Pre action letter judicial review - to Glasgow City Council

Briefing: The People v GCC

Glasgow City Council has been breaking the law for a number of years and not delivering on its legal duty to house homeless people in the city, in particular, failing to provide temporary accommodation to those they have a duty towards. Shelter Scotland has been raising this issue of ‘gatekeeping’ for many years.

Published: 31 August 2019

Briefing: The People v GCC

Shelter Scotland consultation response to the Proposed Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill

Shelter Scotland's response to the proposed Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill.

Published: 31 August 2019

Shelter Scotland consultation response to the Proposed Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill

Enhanced Heating Regimes within the new definition of Fuel Poverty - consultation

Shelter Scotland's response to the consultation on Enhanced Heating Regimes within the new definition of Fuel Poverty.

Published: 31 August 2019

Enhanced Heating Regimes within the new definition of Fuel Poverty - consultation