Policy library
In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.
Housing is a human right
This report provides an overview of housing as a human right in Scotland.
Published: 31 January 2019
Shelter Scotland response to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into the welfare safety net
Shelter Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to this Work and Pensions Committee inquiry on the welfare safety net. This response sets out Shelter Scotland's views on the role of the welfare safety net, how it currently meets the needs of those using it and how it can be improved.
Published: 31 December 2018
Short term lets in Scotland
This is a topic briefing on the issue of short term lets in Scotland. This paper focuses on the sharp growth in short term lets, their impact on housing availability and affordability, and what this means for Scottish households.
Published: 31 December 2018
Sex for rent in Scotland
This is a topic briefing detailing the extent of sex for rent in Scotland. By sex for rent, we mean an arrangement where someone is being asked for payment for their housing costs in the form of sexual favours.
Published: 30 November 2018
Briefing for the Scottish Government's Ending Homelessness Together debate
This briefing was produced ahead of the Scottish Government’s Ending Homelessness Together debate which was held on the 29th November 2018.
Published: 30 November 2018
Glasgow Community Hub Impact Report 2017-18
This report summarises and analyses the work and context of Shelter Scotland's Glasgow Community Hub in 2017/18, including the local area homelessness statistics, the impact of our advice and support, and our policy recommendations.
Published: 30 November 2018
Edinburgh Community Hub Impact Report 2017-18
This report summarises and analyses the work and context of Shelter Scotland's Edinburgh Community Hub in 2017/18, including the local area homelessness statistics, the impact of our advice and support, and our policy recommendations.
Published: 30 November 2018
Dundee Community Hub Impact Report 2017-18
This report summarises and analyses the work and context of Shelter Scotland's Dundee Community Hub in 2017/18, including the local area homelessness statistics, the impact of our advice and support, and our policy recommendations.
Published: 30 November 2018
Aberdeen Community Hub Impact Report 2017-18
This report summarises and analyses the work and context of Shelter Scotland's Aberdeen Community Hub in 2017/18, including the local area homelessness statistics, the impact of our advice and support, and our policy recommendations.
Published: 30 November 2018
Overcoming Barriers to Public Interest Litigation in Scotland
This paper suggests actions which, if taken by the relevant actors – including national or local policymakers, the legal sector, NGO leaders, and third sector funders – could enable more organisations to engage in legal proceedings in the interest of the people they represent and ultimately increase use of PIL, an essential element of protecting rights and keeping decision-makers in check in any democratic society.
Published: 30 November 2018