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Policy library

In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.

Briefing for Scottish Parliament Debate: Inequality

This briefing details Shelter Scotland clients' experiences of poverty and inequality in 2018.

Published: 30 November 2018

Briefing for Scottish Parliament Debate: Inequality

Evidence on the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) Bill

This is Shelter Scotland's evidence to the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) Bill, submitted to the Local Government and Communities Committee.

Published: 30 November 2018

Evidence on the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) Bill

Getting behind the homeless statistics: update for 2017-18

This paper provides and analysis of the Scottish Government's official 2017-18 homelessness statistics in order to get a clearer picture of who applies as homeless, the reasons behind their homelessness and the results of that application.

Published: 30 November 2018

Getting behind the homeless statistics: update for 2017-18

Shelter Scotland response to LG&C Committee call for evidence on housing adaptations

Shelter Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Local Government and Communities committee’s call for evidence on housing adaptations. This response sets out Shelter Scotland's views on the right to adequate housing, and our clients' experiences finding housing that meets their needs.

Published: 31 October 2018

Shelter Scotland response to LG&C Committee call for evidence on housing adaptations

Hidden Homelessness topic briefing

This topic briefing gives an overview of hidden homelessness in Scotland, including a definition, the groups most affected by hidden homelessness, and indicators of how widespread hidden homelessness is.

Published: 31 October 2018

Hidden Homelessness topic briefing

Living Home Standard

This report is the product of extensive social research carried out in partnership with Ipsos MORI to understand what the public believe we should expect from our homes, in order to secure our wellbeing and provide a foundation from which we can live our lives.

Published: 30 September 2018

Living Home Standard

Shelter Scotland Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Progressing Children's Rights in Scotland - An Action Plan 2018-21

This is Shelter Scotland's response to the Scottish Government consultation on Progressing Children's Rights in Scotland - An Action Plan 2018-21. We believe that children who are at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness are not adequately protected by existing rights frameworks and want to see improvement in ensuring that children's rights are fully realised in this area.

Published: 30 September 2018

Shelter Scotland Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Progressing Children's Rights in Scotland - An Action Plan 2018-21

Shelter Scotland response to “Paws Clause” stakeholder consultation

This is Shelter Scotland's response to Scottish Labour's "Paws Clause" stakeholder consultation. We consulted with service user groups to inform our response and feel that with the correct procedures and protections, there is no reason why someone in the private or social rented sector should be barred from owning a pet.

Published: 30 September 2018

Shelter Scotland response to “Paws Clause” stakeholder consultation

Written Evidence to the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

This is a written evidence submission ahead of the UN Rapporteur's 2018 Visit to the UK on extreme poverty and human rights.

Published: 30 September 2018

Written Evidence to the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Shelter Scotland Impact Report 2017/18

This report summarises and analyses the work and impact of Shelter Scotland in 2017/18, including our advice and support, campaigning and policy work and training for professionals.

Published: 30 September 2018

Shelter Scotland Impact Report 2017/18