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Policy library

In this library you will find our latest policy reports, briefings, consultation responses, evidence for Scottish Parliament committees etc. This policy work underpins all of our advocacy and influencing activity to bring about change.

Developing a youth homeless mediation scheme in Scotland: a good practice guide

Mediation services to assist young homeless people have been a recent development in Scotland. The first scheme was not established until 2000 with the first major research study on mediation and homelessness not completed until 2001.

Published: 6 July 2005

Developing a youth homeless mediation scheme in Scotland: a good practice guide

Briefing for the parliamentary debate on Stage One of the Housing (Scotland) Bill

Shelter welcomes the Communities Committee Stage One report on the Housing (Scotland) Bill. The Committee’s vision for the private rented sector recognises the poor legal protection and redress for thousands of private tenants in Scotland.

Published: 16 June 2005

Briefing for the parliamentary debate on Stage One of the Housing (Scotland) Bill

Alternatives to bed and breakfast: an overview of practice in Scotland

Since the passage of the Homelessness Act, I have been asked time and again how Scotland has managed to take such enormous steps towards resolving, and responding to homelessness in a way that promotes social justice.

Published: 25 May 2005

Alternatives to bed and breakfast: an overview of practice in Scotland

The Housing (Scotland) Bill: tackling unlawful evictions in Scotland

Despite the existence of laws intended to protect tenants, Shelter continues to be contacted by households who have been unlawfully evicted from their home; made homeless due to the actions of an unscrupulous landlord.

Published: 18 May 2005

The Housing (Scotland) Bill: tackling unlawful evictions in Scotland

Written evidence on the Housing (Scotland) Bill

Shelter welcomes the proposals for legislation covering the private sector in Scotland. Since devolution the legislative focus has overwhelmingly been on changes to the landscape of social housing, with little attention paid to the private sector.

Published: 21 April 2005

Written evidence on the Housing (Scotland) Bill

Consultation response on 'Regulations under section 7 of the Housing Scotland Act 2001'

Shelter Scotland response to the Scottish Executive consultation on ‘Regulations under section 7 of the Housing Scotland Act 2001'.

Published: 20 April 2005

Consultation response on 'Regulations under section 7 of the Housing Scotland Act 2001'

A rent deposit protection service for Scotland

Over 173,000 households live in the private rented sector in Scotland. Despite this number, there is no statutory regulation of rental deposits and a significant proportion of private tenants have problems getting their money back at the end of the tenancy.

Published: 16 March 2005

A rent deposit protection service for Scotland

Strengthening the law for mobile home residents

The Housing (Scotland) Bill contains provisions to extend legal protection for people who own their mobile home while renting a stance from the site owner. While these proposals are welcome, Shelter believes that they should be part of a broader strengthening of legal protection for people who live in mobile homes, to include those who rent the home as well as the site.

Published: 16 March 2005

Strengthening the law for mobile home residents

Compulsory leasing of empty homes in Scotland

Shelter proposes that the Housing Bill introduces a mandatory leasing scheme for local authorities to allow them to bring empty properties back into use.

Published: 9 March 2005

Compulsory leasing of empty homes in Scotland

Homelessness in Scotland 2003-04

This paper provides current information on homelessness in Scotland. It outlines the extent of homelessness and the main reasons why people become homeless.

Published: 13 January 2005

Homelessness in Scotland 2003-04