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Street homeless resources

There are additional resources to assist street homeless people.

This content applies to Scotland

Day centres

Day centres provide a warm, safe space for homeless people to come off the streets. Depending on the facilities available, they may be able to watch TV, talk to workers (some of whom may be specialists such as drug or alcohol workers), have a meal, do some washing or see a doctor.

Outreach teams

These are workers who visit the streets by night and walk in the areas where people are sleeping. Their job is to make contact with street homeless people, inform them of their rights and tell them of nightshelters, day centres and soup runs. They are often linked with a particular hostel or nightshelter.

Soup runs and soup kitchens

Soup runs are organised to provide food and drink on a nightly basis in various locations. Some may also distribute blankets. They are scheduled to arrive at particular locations at certain times. They are often not easily identifiable and may seek out people who appear to be sleeping out rather than set up stall and expect people to come to them.

Soup kitchens are often operated from church or community halls, with scheduled opening hours. They distribute food and drinks. A list of which halls operate these kitchens can often be obtained from local groups helping street homeless people.

Last updated: 29 December 2014